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Parent Advisory Council (PAC) 2024/2025

Parent Advisory Committee

The success of any school is measured by student success. Neither students nor schools are successful without the meaningful involvement of parents. At École des Deux Mondes we are truly grateful for the on-going involvement of parents, grandparents and community members.

Being on the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is one way for parents to get meaningfully involved - it is an opportunity to work together with other parents, for the betterment of our students and school. Being an active member of PAC is a chance to learn about the school and how things are and can be done. It is an opportunity to be with your friends or get to know new ones with a common goal. It is a chance to have your voice heard and to have fun.

If you would like to find out more about how you can be involved with PAC, please call the school office or email: 


Tuesday, February 11th, 6:00 p.m. in Library

Note, there will be a 5:30 p.m. presentation prior to the meeting

Please RSVP by 3:00 p.m., Monday, February 10th, if you are planning on attending and bringing your Child/ren along.  

We want to ensure there is adequate babysitting and Pizza!

RSVP by emailing:


President ~ Kathryn Kirkwood

Co-President ~ Kristy Schwanicke

Vice- President ~ Meghan Hunter

               Treasurer ~ Shaun Scandrett               

                 Secretary ~ Kirsten Andrews                 

                  Fundraising Coordinator ~           

Event Coordinator ~ Rosa Ware

Hot Lunch & Fruit/Veggie Program ~ Erickia McNair & Jenn Menard

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