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2018 Sayward Rural School Review


The Board of Education for School District 72 committed to conducting a review of rural school facility use as part of the phase II recommendations in the SD72 Facility Plan 2015-2025, which included consultation with community stakeholders.

The school district and the Board of Education understands how important rural schools are to the communities they serve and are committed to providing the best educational opportunities for all its students within the district.

The board did not intend to close Sayward School. Rather, they were looking for ways to sustain the building and provide the best educational opportunities for all its students, given the small student population.

The board would like to maximize the use of the school for the students' and community benefit, while recognizing that operating, maintenance, and replacement costs continue to increase.


On November 7, 2017, members of the Board of Education and representatives from School District 72's management team met with the Sayward regional director, mayor, chief administrative officer, school vice-principal, and parent representatives.

The meeting was to express support for Sayward School and to explore potential partnerships that could maximize the use of the school.

At the meeting, school district and Sayward representatives had an open conversation about education and cost concerns, as well as some potential ways the school could be jointly used by the school and community.

It was decided to survey the Sayward community to hear what suggestions, concerns, interests and questions residents might have about the school.

In February 2018, the board invited community members to participate in a survey about Sayward School. The survey was made available on the Sayward School website, sent directly to Sayward School parents, as well as École Phoenix Middle School and Carihi Secondary School parents of students who reside in Sayward. It was also advertised to the community at large through the Sayward Village News and community Facebook groups.

The Board of Education also held a community meeting for all Sayward School parents and interested community members on April 10, 2018 in the Sayward School gym.

Historic Enrolment & Enrolment Forecast as of 2018

The following graphs show Sayward School's historic enrolment and its enrolment forecast at the time of the rural school review:

Historic Enrolment
(K-12 until 2012)

Enrolment Forecast
(Based on K-5 Only)


Based on the school's enrolment and number of grade 6 to 9 students attending school in Campbell River, the total of K-9 students in the Sayward Valley in 2018 was 70.

Cost Per Student

The cost per student, per year at Sayward School at the time of the review was $11,222 compared to a per student cost of $7,177 at Ripple Rock Elementary. The average elementary school cost per student in School District 72 in 2018 was $8,000.

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