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To register your child at Southgate, please email the school at or call the office at (250) 923-4253 ext #2.

You can email a completed Middle School Registration Form and include a copy of your child's birth certificate, BC Services Card and proof of residency documents.  Your proof of residency can be a copy of a utility bill, title deed to your home or your driver's license, as long as it has your name and Campbell River address on it.

Please specify if your child is interested in taking Band as an elective. We offer a brass instrument band class which can provide opportunities for extracurricular outings for competitions and concerts.

If you would like to come in person to the school to register (or pick up a registration package) please come to the Holm Road entrance.  To the left of the main doors is a bank of windows.  Please knock on our SOUTHGATE OFFICE WINDOW where we will be able to help you out of our self-service window OR come on inside to complete the forms and submit your registration documents (birth certificate, proof of residency & care card) for copying.

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