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Code of Conduct

The intent of the Penfield Elementary code of conduct is to establish guidelines for acceptable conduct to maintain a safe, caring, and orderly environment conducive for learning. All students are subject to the school's code of conduct while on school premises and during school activities off of school grounds.

The Penfield School code of conduct is designed to ensure learning takes place in a safe and caring environment that is orderly and disciplined. All students are accountable for their behaviour while at all school and during any function sponsored by the school. Students may also be held accountable for their actions outside of school time that have an adverse effect on the school climate, operation, and or disruption of the learning environment.

Conduct Expectations

At Penfield Elementary School we recognize that management of student behaviour is a shared responsibility between students, parents/ guardians, and school staff. The code of conduct recognizes that as children grow and mature, they are more able to make appropriate decisions and to be responsible for their actions.

A positive culture is built and sustained at Penfield Elementary School by having students learn, practice, and remind each other of our Four Agreements. The goal of these agreements is to engage all staff, students, and families in working together as a learning community that is dedicated to caring and support, active participation and positive expectations for all students.

Acceptable Conduct

The Four Agreements:

  • Mutual Respect
  • Attentive Listening
  • The Right to Participate (The Right to Pass)
  • Appreciation (No Put Downs)

Students are given opportunities to develop these skills and attitudes in an age-appropriate manner. The skills are introduced in kindergarten and reinforced in following years. Each class develops their class code of conduct which mirrors the “Four Agreements” at an age appropriate level. Students are expected to use the “Four Agreements” in their interactions with their peers, the adults at the school and our guests.

Generally, students are expected to demonstrate respect for self, others, and the school. Students are expected to be helpful in making the school a safe, caring and orderly place such as engaging in purposeful learning activities during instructional time. Student must comply with staff directions in a reasonable manner. Students are expected to act in a manner that brings credit to the school and must comply with the Tobacco Control Act and the Cannabis Act. Additionally, students are responsible for informing a “tellable” adult, of incidents of bullying, harassment, or intimidation.

Unacceptable Conduct

While not all unacceptable behaviours are included here, examples of these behaviours include:

  • Behaviours that interfere with the learning of others, an orderly environment, or that create unsafe conditions.
  • Acts of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, intimidation, physical violence, retribution against a person who has reported incidents.
  • Illegal acts, such as possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances; possession or use of weapons; theft of or damage to property.

Members of the school community will be held accountable for actions that contravene the Human Rights Code. Examples of discrimination include, but are not limited to race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age of that person or class or persons.

Rising Expectations and Consequences

At Penfield we feel that as children become older, more mature and move through successive grades, students demonstrate increased personal responsibility, and self-discipline. Escalating consequences for inappropriate behaviour may result in suspension from school when circumstances warrant.

The school will determine the level of response to each incident by taking into consideration the level of the infraction, and patterns of behavior. We also assess incident factors such as age, maturity level, cognitive development, special circumstances and previous interventions. Special considerations may apply to students with special needs if the student is unable to comply with a code of conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature. We strive to be consistent and fair, with a focus on reteaching for prevention and restoration of relationships.

When students demonstrate behaviour which endangers others or persistently interferes with the learning environment re-teaching will take place. If such incidents continue to occur special support mechanisms will be put in place. Such supports are usually applied in an escalating manner but may start at a higher level depending on the severity of the incident, the student's understanding of the code of conduct, and the previous history.


Parents will be contacted if student's actions are:
Repetitive – continue despite previous attempts by the staff to change the student behaviour.
Serious – physical or emotional injury involved
Premeditated – deliberate, preconceived, or manipulative of other students such as daring someone to do something known to be wrong.

This contact will include both the parents of the perpetrator(s) and victim(s). Record of serious incidents requiring contact with parents will be entered in the student's file. School district officials are contacted if suspension is involved.

Consequences and Support Systems

Level One – A conversation takes place between the student involved and the classroom teacher. Re-teaching occurs. Behaviour is monitored intensely for a short period of time. Teacher contact with parents through the agenda book or by phone occurs.

Level Two – A conversation takes place between the student involved, the classroom and the vice-principal or principal. Re-teaching occurs. Supports such as reduced privileges at recess and lunch are considered. (Parent contact will be made at this point by the teacher, vice-principal or principal.) Behaviour is monitored for an extended period of time.

Level Three – A conversation takes place between the vice-principal or principal, the teacher, the parent(s) and the student. A referral to the school-based team is considered. A plan of teaching is developed whereby the student is expected to demonstrate appropriate behaviour. Parents are involved in planning for change. Supports are put in place for a specified period of time. Supports considered at this point include controlled interactions with peers during the school day. Behaviour is monitored and reported on daily.

Level Four – A meeting is held involving the vice-principal or principal, the teacher, the parents and possibly the student. The meeting may also involve the behaviour resource teacher and/or the school psychologist. A behaviour management plan is developed and put into place for a specified period of time. Supports considered at this point include an altered school day. Behaviour monitoring is in place until a team decision to remove it is made.

Level Five – The behaviour management plan is reviewed and adjusted if necessary. All parties including community agencies that serve the student jointly develop a support plan for the student. Supports to consider at this point are suspension from school and/or placement in another program or school within the district.

It is understood that school officials may be required to advise other agencies of breaches of the code of conduct.

Note: The code of conduct is reviewed annually by the Parent Advisory Committee, School Planning Council and the staff.

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