Fruit and Vegetable Program
Penfield Elementary is participating in a government funded fresh fruit and vegetable program to promote healthy choices in schools.
Every two to three weeks, we receive a grown in BC food. The children learn a little about the product, where it grows in the province, where else in the world the same produce can be grown and then they are encouraged to try a sample.
School Community Garden
Two teachers at Penfield, Jen Sheiles and Chelsea Badger established the Penfield Community Garden in 2022. They worked tirelessly to apply for and receive grants to purchase items for the garden such as, plants, fencing, shed, irrigation. We have received an outstanding amount of volunteer help with this project from community stakeholders as well as parents, for which we are very thankful.
School gardens open a new opportunity for children to learn and connect with nature. It has show to promote positive minds and healthy bodies by learning about healthy foods and being physically active. It allows children to learn valuable gardening lessons and skills that integrate school curriculum.
Each Penfield classroom participates by having its own garden area to plant items of their choosing and to care for their plants.