FamilySmart Monthly Online Events – Fall Series 2023

Mental Health and Preparing for the Transition to Post Secondary
September 19 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm PDT
It can be an exciting time for our kids when they are deciding how and when to pursue post secondary opportunities after high school. When our young people have had mental health challenges this transition can sometimes be met with additional concerns. What can be put in place before school starts? Is it okay to take fewer courses? What can they do if things become difficult?
Come together with other families to watch this video presentation featuring Dawn Schell from the University of Victoria, Melissa Feddersen from the University of British Columbia Okanagan and Victoria Keddis, a parent with lived experience; as they discuss strategies and points to consider as your youth embarks on this transition.
This video presentation will be followed by a facilitated discussion by a FamilySmart Parent Peer Support Worker.
6:30pm-8:00pm Pacific Daylight Time (British Columbia)
7:30pm-9:00pm Mountain Standard Time (Alberta)
These events are funded for parents and caregivers living in the Province of British Columbia and for CASA families in Alberta. If you are from another province or territory, or live outside of Canada, we welcome you to visit our video library at and use our resources. Thank you. link to register below:
Working Together: Families and Schools
October 3 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm PDT
When our kids struggle with their mental health, challenges can often have a great impact on their school experience. As parents it can be really hard to know where to begin. How do we take the first step and let the school know what is going on for our family? What are the supportive options that are available to my child? We might even worry that we will be judged for the difficulties our child is facing.
Come together for a video presentation featuring Victoria Keddis, a parent with lived experience and Ashley Ragoonaden, Principal at École KLO Middle School. Together they will discuss how looking at challenges from a strength based perspective can help us collaborate.
This video presentation will be followed by a facilitated discussion by a FamilySmart Parent Peer Support Worker.
6:30pm-8:00pm Pacific Daylight Time (British Columbia)
7:30pm-9:00pm Mountain Standard Time (Alberta)
These events are funded for parents and caregivers living in the Province of British Columbia and for CASA families in Alberta. If you are from another province or territory, or live outside Canada, we welcome you to visit our video library at and use our resources. Thank you. Link to register below:
Emotion Regulation
November 8 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm PST
Join us in a watching a video conversation with Nicole Allen, Clinical Counsellor at Fraser Health’s START Program. Nicole offers support to parents and caregivers with information and strategies to cope with emotion dysregulation and the challenges which many young people begin to experience as they enter and move through the adolescent years. We will be exploring the critical role which parents and caregivers play in creating the environment for positive change for their young people especially when things can be the most challenging.
This video presentation will be followed by a facilitated discussion by a FamilySmart Parent Peer Support Worker.
6:00pm-7:30pm Pacific Daylight Time (British Columbia)
7:00pm-8:30pm Mountain Standard Time (Alberta)
These events are funded for parents and caregivers living in the Province of British Columbia and for CASA families in Alberta. If you are from another province or territory, or live outside Canada, we welcome you to visit our video library at and use of our resources. Thank you. Link to register below:
ADHD – the Real Deal
Join us in watching a video by Dr. Duncan, who will dispel the many myths surrounding ADHD by presenting up to date scientific facts about cause, prevalence, diagnosis and treatment. He will explain how and why the ADHD brain works the way it does.
Come together with other families to watch this video presentation and stay for a facilitated discussion by a FamilySmart Parent Peer Support Worker.
Choose the date and time that suits you best,
December 5th: 6:30pm-8:00pm Pacific Daylight Time (British Columbia)
7:30pm-9:00pm Mountain Standard Time (Alberta)
December 6th: 6:00pm-7:30pm Pacific Daylight Time (British Columbia)
7:00pm-9:30pm Mountain Standard Time (Alberta)
December 7th: 12:00pm-1:30pm Pacific Daylight Time (British Columbia)
1:00pm-2:30pm Mountain Standard Time (Alberta)
December 12th: 6:30pm-8:00pm Pacific Daylight Time (British Columbia)
7:30pm-9:00pm Mountain Standard Time (Alberta)
These events are funded for parents and caregivers living in the province of British Columbia and for CASA families in Alberta. If you are from another province or territory, or live outside of Canada, we welcome you to visit our video library at and use our resources. Thank you.