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Online Payments

Our school accepts payments by eTransfer.  eTransfer allows a person to transfer funds via online banking.

eTransfers should be sent to the school's accounting email address: 

A password is not required as the school is set up to receive auto-deposits.
Please include:

  • The student's first and last name
  • The purpose of the payment (ie Band trip, 22-22 supplies, transit pass, etc.)

Please contact the school office if you require assistance.

ALL OTHER PAYMENTS CAN BE MADE BY:  E-Transfer, Cheque, Cash or Debit/Credit in the Carihi Main Office. 

Online Payments:

Click on the links below to access the online payment page to purchase an item OR make a payment.
Misc. Payments: please include the students first and last name as well as purpose of the payment in the comment line. 



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