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Career and Work Exploration

Work Experience 12 (WEX-12A or 12B) (Applied Skill Elective) 

This four-credit course is designed to enable students to explore careers of their choice and to gain valuable employability skills. It requires a strong commitment to self-initiative and responsibility. Students are required to complete 120 hours of work experience. Students may work at one or several placements and complete the hours during school time, after school, or on weekends. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of hours worked. Credit will be given to documented hours only. 

Interested? Sign up at WEX 12A or 12B  
Questions? TEAMS Donnie Fitzpatrick or 

There are also opportunities for work experience through volunteer/mentorship. See your school counsellor for details.

Career Programs at Carihi

Carihi School and Campbell River School District have the following opportunities available for students to experience and learn about the world of work:


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