Code of Conduct
Timberline Secondary Code of Conduct
Statement of Purpose
Our school's approach to student behaviour is based on respect, safety and providing a caring learning environment. We expect that all members of the Timberline community will behave in a way, which respects learning, individual and collective rights, individual and collective health, and safety, and supports a positive school culture. As per the Human Rights code we ensure that all students will receive equitable access to services regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, family status, physical or mental challenges, sex or sexual orientation, place of origin, marital status, or age. We expect that all student behaviour will reflect our Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities and our School Wide Behaviour Expectations.
Conduct expectations.
To be preventative our Code of Conduct is taught and reinforced with all our students.
This Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities is intended to provide guidance to all members of the Timberline Secondary School community of learners. This Charter is subject only to such reasonable limits or interpretations as are required by staff to ensure a safe and orderly learning environment.
As a Member of our Timberline community As Member of our Timberline community
I have the right to: I have the responsibility to:
1. Be respected as an individual in a harassment free environment.
2. Learn in a caring and supportive environment.
3. Be involved in a positive school culture. |
4. Have someone to turn to. |
5. Be physically safe.
6. A clean and healthy environment.
All behaviours that are given in this code are meant to serve as examples and are not exclusive. There are circumstances that occur outside of the school that may have an impact on student learning and will be addressed at the school level. Any activity that violates a local, provincial, or federal law is prohibited.
As required, major areas of discipline and manner of conduct will be handled as follows:
Students are expected to attend regularly and punctually. Where positive intervention is unsuccessful, chronic absenteeism may result in removal from courses and/or school with alternative arrangements developed for the delivery of an educational program. If attendance and performance are a concern, the student may be placed on a performance contract, which is an attempt to keep students in school. If the contract is breached, a student may be removed from some or all classes.
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to present their own work in class and homework assignments. At Timberline, the working definition of plagiarism is “using another person’s work and presenting it as your own.” Plagiarism is a form of cheating, and it could be in the form of written, visual, audio, or other media. Plagiarism may result in re-doing an assignment or losing the marks for the assignment.
Rude or Discourteous Behaviour
Students are expected to treat each other and all adults in the building with respect. If a student is rude or discourteous, they will be spoken to by an adult. If the behaviour continues the student will be sent to the office. Repeat offenders may be suspended.
Acceptable Use of Internet
It is expected that students at school will only view appropriate educational sites. Inappropriate use of internet and electronic communication, including the sending of threatening or harassing comments, is unacceptable and a violation of District Acceptable Use Policy. Violations may result in suspension of district accounts and further disciplinary action.
Personal Digital Devices
“Off and Away for the Day” is the guiding principle for use of these devices on Timberline Property. Non-Educational use disrupts instructional programs and distracts from the learning environment. Excessive use of these devices impacts mental health and online safety. Personal Digital Devices refers to any device capable of connecting to the internet.
These devices will be kept AWAY from your body (stored in a locker/car/home/backpack) or classroom phone caddy (this includes the removal of ear buds) unless used with the permission of the teacher /administrator.
Notifications turned OFF
FOR THE DAY use of these devices during instructional time will result in their confiscation and possible disciplinary action.
Students on washroom breaks are not permitted their phones and will be expected to surrender their phone prior to exiting class.
Students are encouraged to limit use during break times and use breaks to engage with friends and participate in school activities.
Personal Electronic devices necessary for medical monitoring, accessibility or accommodation will be exempt from this principle and will be addressed by administration prior to use during instructional time.
Personal Electronic Devices are valuable, and the security and storage of these items is the sole responsibility of the owner/user. The school assumes no responsibility for the support, safety, security, loss, repair, or replacement of electronic devices.
Smoking: Smoking is not permitted on Timberline grounds. At Timberline, our primary concern related to tobacco use is health, so cessation programs will be available to all students. The health hazards of smoking are well documented. In accordance with School District Policy, no use of tobacco, which includes "chewable" products (tobacco or herbal), will be allowed in the school building or on school grounds. If a student is caught smoking or with tobacco products it will be confiscated by the administration and returned to parents only. This may also result in suspension from school. Please note: the school grounds include the forests surrounding the school.
Vaping: Smoking/Vaping is not permitted on Timberline grounds. At Timberline, our primary concern related to vaping use is health, hazards of vaping are concerning. Vaping or vaping paraphernalia is not permitted on or around school grounds. If a student is caught vaping or with vaping paraphernalia, it will be confiscated by the administration and may also result in suspension from school. Please note: the school grounds include the forests surrounding the school.
Selling of, Possession or Influence of Drugs or Alcohol:
Involvement with drugs or alcohol will result in suspension and referral to mandatory counselling. If this issue of drugs and alcohol is reoccurring the student will be referred to the School District for further action.
Harassment: At Timberline, we are committed to providing a learning environment that is free from harassment. The administration and staff of the school consider any form of harassment to be a serious matter and will take appropriate action to eliminate harassment from the school. Harassment may also include events such as cyber bullying that occur outside of the school and still impact student learning.
Appropriate Language - Language used by all members of the school community should be respectful and polite. Any communication that is disrespectful or demeaning to others, including lying, inappropriate use of profane language, is unacceptable and may result in a referral to administration.
Vandalism - Willful damage of school property will be assessed, and restitution will be made.
Violence, Intimidation, Threats: Violent, intimidating, or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in suspension and referral to mandatory counselling.
Instigators or Spectators – The daily endeavour of students, and all school activities, should take place without interference of disruption. Students who encourage, support, or promote acts of intimidation, harassment, or violence whether by direct action or by watching or recording are subject to school disciplinary action. This can include activities that occur during or after school hours as well as on or off school property.
Duty to Report – Students are expected to inform a staff member of incidents of bullying, harassment, and intimidation as well as of any knowledge related to possession of weapons or illegal substances.
Possession or Use of Weapons: Involvement with weapons will result in an automatic suspension. Police will also be involved to the extent possible within the law.
Discrimination – Behaviours that result in the discrimination against a person or a group of persons in a public way will not be tolerated.
Public Displays of Affection – Students are asked to minimize public displays of affection. These may be inappropriate to the school setting and can be addressed by any student or staff member.
Litter – We are a school that is committed to being environmentally friendly, and we ask that all members of the school community look after their litter by recycling or utilising provided garbage cans.
Rising Expectations:
When a student finds themselves in a conflict situation within the school, with staff or other students, they will to be encouraged to take ownership and responsibility for their actions and coached how to find a solution and appropriately deal with the situation to prevent escalation or reoccurrence. As part of rising expectations students may have to make restitution in some form or another (restorative justice). Alternates to suspension may also be used when appropriate.
The following is the Range of Consequences, which will be used at Timberline:
On-the-spot reminders, conference, reprimand.
Follow-up meeting between the student and the staff member.
Interview with administration
Notification of parent or guardian.
Additional time for the student with the teacher or office
Restitution, a logical remedy for the problem. Restorative processes.
Referral to counselling or administration.
Supportive intervention and/or service to school.
Where students openly defy authority as repeat offenders or through single incidents of major insubordination, suspension and parent involvement will result, consistent with school and district policy referral to a Level Two or Level Three Resolution meeting may occur. Chargeable offences (fighting, threatening, assault, wilful damage, possession or use of weapons, theft, tampering with fire alarm, possession or influence of drugs or alcohol, break and enter, trespass) will result in police involvement and suspension.
This range of responses is not necessarily sequential. Interventions will vary with the severity of the incident, repeat offences, student response etc. not all steps are necessary in all situations.
At Timberline, the responses to unacceptable conduct are consistent and fair for all students.
In some cases, interventions will be identified in students’ individualized education plans (IEP). In cases where special needs students are unable to comply with the code of conduct, whereby their behaviour results in serious or repeated misconduct they may be removed from school until an approved Risk Reduction Plan has been developed. Attempts will be made to consult with parents in the development of this plan.
At Timberline we value open and positive communication with students, parents, SD72 and our community. We take responsibility for notifying the appropriate parties when there is an incident or breach of our School Code of Conduct. Depending on the situation, that may involve contacting:
Parents/guardians of both the victim and offender.
School District officials – as required by school district policy.
Police and/or other agencies required by law.
All parents or guardians when the situation is deemed important to reassure members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are taking appropriate action to address it.
Drug and alcohol resources.
Dress Guidelines
The primary intention of a dress code guideline is to make expectations, and the underlying reason for those expectations, clear in advance to minimize need for correction or discipline. It should provide a level of clarity that will assist staff, students, and parents in their decision-making with respect to dress, but it is not intended to be prescriptive.
At Timberline, the expectation is that clothing will:
Be appropriate to, and safe for, the intended activity.
Demonstrate respect for the rights and perspectives of others.
Demonstrate a respect for the school context and the wearer’s responsibilities as a member of the school community.
Dress Guideline Considerations
Clothing should meet standards of suitability that are typical of the workplace.
Clothing should demonstrate an appropriate respect for the perspectives and sensibilities of others in the school community, recognizing that in a diverse community there will be a wide range of values and beliefs that may relate to clothing.
Guideline Violations
Articles of clothing that promote alcohol or drugs, that display offensive language or images, or that encourage sexism, racism or bigotry are not acceptable in a school.
If necessary, students will be asked to change into clothing that is deemed to be appropriate.
Refusal to comply or repeated misconduct may result in further discipline.
Parents will be involved in a plan to assist the student in understanding what is expected and why.
Miscellaneous Policies Related to Students
If students must leave the school during class time they are expected to "sign out" at the main office, with the permission of a parent or guardian. This is necessary to ensure the safety of the student, and to inform parents of their student's whereabouts.
Late Arrivals
If students arrive late to school/class, they are to report directly to their classroom teacher.
Study Periods
Apart from Grade 12 students, who have enough credits to graduate, all Timberline students will be required to carry a course load equivalent to 4 "full" courses each semester. If students are enrolled in a class outside of regular class time, a "study block" may be allowed with the permission of the Administration and parents on a case-by-case basis. Study blocks at Timberline must be meaningful, and not interfere with the learning of others. A specific study space may be designated.
Course Changes
Students who have failed courses in the previous semester may have to change courses to begin the semester. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that prerequisite courses are completed. Although students are expected to stay in the courses selected during registration, there may be circumstances that require a change. This will be arranged through counsellors in consultation with the teacher, and parents.
During the school day guests and individuals must obtain permission to be on the school premises from the main office.
Cafeteria/North Island College
Food services is a shared space with the college. To maintain access to the college food services the following guidelines must be followed:
Appropriate behaviour while waiting in the food services area.
Please clean up your area before you leave.
If you have an authorized study block, please use the cafeteria space as a quiet place to work.
Please notify the cafeteria supervisors if there is a mess you are unable to clean-up or if you notice any damage to the cafeteria environment.
No Access to NIC during class time.