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Stream to Sea 11

Stream to Sea

Which animals link our streams, forests and oceans together? Is there a way I can do a majority of my learning outside doing hands on activities? What does it take to be a marine biologist? I wonder if I could get some practical work experience and certification that might help me get a job that I really love? All these questions are answered in the new biology course at Timberline called Stream to Sea 11. It is a dual credit course so you not only get a Biology 11 credit, but also an elective credit. How great is that? It will be 2 blocks(for 8 credits) in a row which means more time to dig deeper (literally) into subjects that hit close to home and field trips.

We'll study 3 main units: Forests, Streams, and Marine biology. You'll investigate the different plants and animals found in each area; learn about different research and job prospects in each field, and you can even try it all out for yourself. Who knows, you might find its stuff you really love to do and something to pursue for your career! 

It is an academically rigorous course but you also need to be excited about being outside. We're looking for positive, enthusiastic learners who are interested in exploring possible futures in biology or just curious about life in our backyards and want to have fun. You need to be ready to work hard inside and outside the classroom. 

There will be some costs associated with some of the field trips. You can be involved in fundraising throughout the semester to cover any expenses toward the bigger trips and adventures. Space is limited so apply now so you don't miss your chance to have a really unique experience!

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