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Counselling Office:Phone: (250) 923.9500, Press 3
Absentee Line:Phone: (250) 923.9500, Press 1 

Fax: (250) 923.9525 (main office only)


Timberline counsellors are available for consultations with students and/or parents. Many students have problems, which they feel cannot be solved by themselves or with the help of parents or friends alone. Our school counsellors are available to provide this sort of help in a safe and confidential environment.

Counsellors provide assistance with course planning, occupational and career information, post-secondary education planning, scholarship information, financial aid and other questions students may feel they would like to discuss. 

The counselling department may also, during the school year, offer group counselling when there is a need. The following are some areas, which may be covered: grief, substance abuse, and self-esteem, anger management and eating disorders. Students and parents, who would like more information about these groups, are encouraged to ask the counsellors. 

Parents are also encouraged to contact the counsellors at any time with concerns regarding their child's educational progress or other issues. When possible, students are asked to make an appointment in the appointment binder located just inside the counselling office entry door, or through the counselling administrative assistant.

Mental Health

Parenting Help
Website that deals with parenting adolescent teenagers.

Parenting Styles
This website deals with the various styles of parenting.

Sleep Help: Here to Help
Sleep Help: National Sleep Foundation

Career Center

Timberline is fortunate to have the services of onsite experts in career exploration and planning, in addition to providing individual consultations and classroom presentations, the career development facilitators coordinate the work experience, career preparation, co-operative education programs and the secondary school apprenticeship program. 

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