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Concert Band 9/10/11/12 
MCB 9/10, IMCB11/12 
Ability to play a wind or percussion instrument is a prerequisite as well as completion of a band course or permission of the instructor. Band 9, 10, 11, 12 students should have successfully completed band at the Grade 8 level. Music performed in class and in concert will cover a diverse selection of musical styles, from classical to pop, marches to contemporary. Technique and theory will continue to be developed. A number of concerts will be arranged throughout the year and attendance at these functions is mandatory.

Jazz Band 9/10/11/12
MJB 9/10, IMJB11/12
Students will continue to develop their performance skills in the jazz idiom. Improvisational skills will also continue to be developed. A number of concerts will be arranged throughout the year and attendance at these functions is mandatory. Jazz Band is open to Concert Band students with teacher permission.

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