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Grad Capstone

Career Life Connections 12/Capstone Project & Presentation

In Career-Life Connections (CLC), students learn how to effectively manage their life journey toward preferred future possibilities, developing the confidence, knowledge, and competencies necessary to succeed in an ever-changing world. – Ministry of Education

CLC (Career-Life Connections) 12 is a required course for all Grade 12 students and includes the Capstone project. This course operates completely out of TEAMS and must be completed in order to graduate. 

Students will complete their Capstone Project in Grade 12.  The Capstone is a learning opportunity for students to reflect and share in personally meaningful ways and is a requirement for Career-Life Connections and graduation.  The purpose of the Capstone is for students to demonstrate the knowledge, competencies and passions that they can offer the world.  It is a representation of the student's learning journey and provides an opportunity to reflect, showcase and celebrate.  

Grad Capstone Project


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