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We Want to Hear from You! How Accessible Are Our Schools and Programs

General News, Health & Safety
Graphic representation of the various types of disabilities people may experience.

We are dedicated to the inclusion, accessibility and equity of all students, staff, parents and community members who interact with our schools and school district.

This is why, in keeping with the Accessible British Columbia Act, we have created an accessibility committee to help us identify, reduce, and remove barriers for people with disabilities and neurodiverse conditions within our schools and school district.

Our accessibility committee wants to learn about the barriers that people face when they’re trying to access a school building, program or information, or in receiving a service or support.

A barrier could be a physical, structural, technological, socio-economic, attitudinal, information or communication barrier, policy or practice that hinders or challenges the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities within our schools or school district. 

We encourage people with disabilities, families, staff and community members to provide feedback. Your feedback will be reviewed by the Campbell River School District accessibility committee. Members of the accessibility committee either personally live with or support others with physical impairment, mobility challenges, visual impairment, hearing impairment, neurodiversity, brain injuries, and developmental or learning challenges.

Feedback can be submitted anonymously, or you can provide your contact details if you wish to be contacted.

Your feedback will also help inform the development of a three-year accessibility plan for the school district.

You can provide feedback in one of the following ways:

We welcome feedback at any time. There is no deadline to share your experiences.

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