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Health & Wellness Resources

Studies have shown that healthy children are better able to learn and that schools can directly influence the health of their students. Campbell River School District believes promoting children's health is a shared responsibility among parents, the health sector and the community. Here you will find information, tips and resources to help ensure your child's health and wellness.

Health Promotion in Schools

Action Schools! BC

Head Lice

Head Lice Q&A (provided by Campbell River Public Health)
Wet Combing Method

Healthy Eating

Canada Food Guide

Media & Online Smarts

Canada's Centre for Digital and Media Literacy
Raising Digitally Responsible Youth A Parent's Guide

Mental Health & Substance Abuse Resources

Healthy Minds BC - Walking Alongside Youth with Depression (Online Program for Parents)
Kelty Mental Health

Tobacco Reduction

BC Quit Now

Quitting or Reducing Vaping

Quit Now - Vape Free Life

Other Resources

BC Health Guide

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