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Highlights: Board Meeting - September 24, 2024

Board of Education
Exterior photo of the school board office with the district logo over top.

The Campell River Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes for public board meetings can be accessed on the public board meeting agenda and minutes web page. Below is a summary of the highlights from the meeting or you can read this issue of the Board News.

Board Reviewed Financial Statements for Year Ending June 30, 2024

Graham Roberts from accounting firm MNP LLP gave an audited financial statement presentation stating that SD72 has an accumulated surplus of $8.4 million which includes operations and capital. Total revenues have come in slightly lower than budget at $87 million but expenses are also down from budget for a combined deficit of $141,646.

Wach Segment 1 and Segment 2

Board to Lend its Voice to the BC School Trustees' Association Advocacy Efforts Ahead of the Provincial Election

The board agreed to join the BC School Trustees’ Association (BCSTA) advocacy efforts in bringing forward educational issues as part of the provincial election campaigns. 

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District Expands School Food Programs Through Feeding Futures

Director of Inclusive Education Brenna Ewing and Quadra Elementary Principal Lorill Vining provided the board with an update on the district’s school food programs in support of the provincial Feeding Futures initiative. 

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District Introduces Parent Code of Conduct

Associate Superintendent Morgan Kyle shared with the board that due to a rise in disrespectful, and at times, aggressive behaviour by parents and guests towards school staff the district has introduced a new parent/caregiver code of conduct and signage.

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Board Approves Minor Capital Plan Submission for 2024-2025

The Board of Education passed a motion to support the district’s minor capital plan application. The project requests total $4,980,403 and these projects are being submitted to the Ministry of Education and Child Care for funding consideration in the 2025-2026 school year.

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