Approved Apps and Request Page

"Ask Before You App . . ."
School District 72 (Campbell River) is committed to providing our students and teachers with access to learning resources and tools that will help develop the skills students will need in our increasingly digital world. As teachers work to integrate technology-rich learning opportunities in the classroom, School District 72 provides student access to various online platforms.
To ensure the safety of SD72 staff and students, any applications or online services used in the district must be vetted in order to ensure they meet the required guidelines for use in the educational environment. There are a number of applications and services already approved by the district for iPads, student devices, or online access. See below for the links to the lists.
IF you do not see the application or service you would like to use, please fill out the App/Service Request Form. Before doing so, please refer to the App Vetting Protocol guidelines. Each tool will be prioritized and assessed for its educational benefits and data privacy concerns.
SD72 Approved Apps List Here
Student Services Approved App List