
Below are some resources students, with parental help, can complete at home. Click on the arrow beside the curriculum title to expand each selection and view the files.
Kindergarten to Grade 2
Project Based Learning (Many Areas of Learning Together in a project)
Project-based learning involves curiosity and exploring interests. When students develop their own problems, ask questions, investigate answers, try new things, and then teach that to others, the most amazing learning happens.
YOU CAN: Help your child to learn more about an area of interest, try new things, ask questions, and do something new together. Read and write about the experience.
Inquiry Project
Passion Project
Guess the BC Animal Writing Book
Who Would Win - Comparing Living Creatures Project Outline
Who Would Win - FINISHED SAMPLEUsing World Book.pdf
ADDITIONAL ONLINE LEARNING LINKSLanguage Arts Literacy (Reading, Writing and Oral Language)
In grades K-2, students are experimenting with language. They are learning letter sounds, names, letter combinations to make new sounds, rhyming, reading, printing words and sharing their ideas. Children need to read and write every day.
YOU CAN: Read picture books to your child and that they read books at their level to you. Visit the library. Everywhere you go, find words to read. Store signs, street names, text messages, product packaging; language is everywhere. Sing songs together. Use words and pictures to write out stories then act them out and engage in creative play! Building these skills should be fun and interactive.
READINGQuick Links to eBooks and Audio Books Online
Mystery Word
Ten GREAT Activities for After Reading
Trudy's Rock Story - An Indigenous Connection
ABC Book Sample (to go with ABC Writing Book)
ABC Writing Book (See ABC Book Sample to get the most from your book)
Ten GREAT Activities for After Reading
Story Telling with a Twist
Guess the BC Animal Writing Book
Guess What Is In My Egg! - Writing Activity
True or False - Writing Activity
Who Would Win - Comparing Living Creatures Project Outline
Writing Fairy Tales with a Twist
Fairy Tale with a Twist SAMPLE
Fairy Tale with a Twist Self-Reflection
ORAL LANGUAGESeasonal Rounds - An Indigenous Connection
Ten GREAT Activities for After Reading
Story Telling with a Twist
Trudy's Rock Story - An Indigenous ConnectionNumeracy (Math)
In grades K-2 students are experimenting with numbers to develop an understanding of numbers and their meaning. By the end of grade 2 they should be working with numbers to 100. Students are making patterns, counting, and practicing addition and subtraction.
YOU CAN: Create activities using items found all around your house. Take your child shopping and have them count items going into the bag, weigh produce, and count money. Play card games, dice games, board games, puzzles, and help to measure while cooking. Create patterns using beads, toys, or items from nature.
DEVELOPING AN UNDERSTANDING OF NUMBERS - Use these ideas and then create your own
Patterning in Math
More Patterning - Show what you know
Number Play
Draw Place Value Blocks
Number of the Day
Ordering Numbers Activity
How Many Bees Estimating and Counting Activity
Counting Cookies Different Ways
The 100's Chart with Activities
Fact Families Dice Activity
ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION - Use these ideas and then create your own
Race to 20 Game
Subtraction with 100 Chart
Open Ended Placemat 1
Open Ended Placemat 2
Open Ended Placemat 3
Open Ended Placemat 4
Dogwood Flowers in Math and More
Adding Doubles with Visuals
Using the Doubles
MathSpere Downloadable Math Puzzles
Math Worksheet Generator by Math Goodies - Printable Worksheets
You Cubed Open-Ended Math Activities
PolyUp Online Computational Games
Play Yahtzee Online
Toy Theatre Online Math Games
Math Manipulatives Online with Toy Theatre
Box Cars and One Eyed Jacks - Downloadable Math ActivitiesPhysical Literacy (Physical Education)
Daily activity is incredibly important for growing bodies. It helps to develop strong bones, muscles, and flexibility.
YOU CAN: Go for walks, explore trails, ride bikes, visit the skate park, build forts, swim, skate, run, play disk golf, paddle, and play sports. Here are some more games to try!
Avoid the Shadows
Catch the Stick
Foot Tag
Jump Your Height
Make the Sticks Jump
For more resources like the ones above, visit PHE CanadaFrench Immersion Language
It is important for French Language learners to be immersed in language.
YOU CAN: Listen to French podcasts, videos, songs, books, and apps that can help your child maintain and improve their second language. This is a great opportunity to learn together!
French Digital Resource Links (videos... songs... )
French Immersion Reflection Sheet (for use with digital resources)
French Immersion Sound Bingo
French Immersion Oral Language Game: Let's Get Talking
Snakes and Ladders 1: Reading French Sight Words
Snakes and Ladders 2: Reading French SyllablesMental Health and Well-Being
In grades K-2 students learn about healthy foods, rest, feelings, and positive caring behaviors.
YOU CAN: Have your child help to prepare healthy meals, talk about feelings and limit screen time and ensure your child has a healthy bedtime routine. It is important to have a balance in life.
Trudy's Rock Story - An Indigenous Connection
Digital WellnessSaying Goodbye to Technology | Parent Outline
Characteristics of a Good Digital Citizen | Parent Outline
Taking a Screen Break | Parent Outline
Going Places Safely Online | Parent OutlineScience
Coming Soon !
Career Education
Coming Soon !
Grade 3 to Grade 5
Project Based Learning (Many Areas of Learning Together in a Project)
Project-based learning involves curiosity and exploring interests. When students develop their own problems, ask questions, investigate answers, try new things, and then teach that to others, the most amazing learning happens. Reading, writing, science and social studies skills come together during project-based learning.
YOU CAN: Help your child to learn more about an area of interest, try new things, ask questions, and do something new together. Read and write about the experience.
Inquiry Projects
Passion Projects
Guess the BC Animal Writing Book
Who Would Win - Comparing Living Creatures Project Outline
Who Would Win - FINISHED SAMPLEUsing World Book.pdf
ADDITIONAL ONLINE LEARNING LINKSLanguage Arts Literacy (Reading, Writing and Oral Language)
In grades 3-5, students are using language to create and communicate. By this time, it is hopeful that students will be able to read and write on their own. Students in grades 3-5 need to read and print every day.
YOU CAN: Check-in and listen to your child read. Read together. Share your own reading. Find books of interest including novels, magazines, websites, digital stories. Go to the library. Ask questions about what your child is reading and have your child also ask questions. Have your child write stories, letters and grocery lists.
Quick Links to eBooks and Audio Books Online
Ten GREAT Activities for After Reading
Mystery Word Activity
Trudy's Rock Story - An Indigenous Connection
Ten GREAT Activities for After Reading
Story Telling with a Twist
Guess the BC Animal Writing Book
Guess What is in My Egg!
True or False
Who Would Win - Comparing Living Creatures Project Outline
Who Would Win - Finished Sample
Writing Fairy Tales with a Twist
Fairy Tale with a Twist SAMPLE
Fairy Tale with a Twist Self-Reflection
ORAL LANGUAGESeasonal Rounds - An Indigenous Connection Activity
Ten GREAT Activities for After Reading
Story Telling with a TwistNumeracy (Math)
In grades 3-5, students are using larger numbers, from 100 to 1,000,000, to solve problems. They look for patterns, add, subtract, multiply, divide, learn about fractions, shapes, and measurement.
YOU CAN: Take your child shopping and have them count items going into the bag, weigh produce, and count money. Play card games, dice games, board games, puzzles, and help measure while cooking. Have your child build things that involve measurement and angles.
Patterning in Math
More Patterning - Show what you know
Number Play
How Many Bees Estimating and Counting Activity
Counting Cookies Different Ways
More Or Less Dice Activity Gr. 3-5
The 100's Chart with Activities
Ordering Numbers Activity
OPERATIONS (+ - x /)
More Or Less Dice Activity Gr. 3-5
Dogwood Flowers in Math and More
Adding Doubles with Visuals
Doubles Tic Tac Toe - 3 Levels
Multiplication Connect Four Game
Play Yahtzee Online
Math Worksheet Generator by Math Goodies - Printable Worksheets
You Cubed Open-Ended Math Activities
PolyUp Online Computational Games
Games from the Aboriginal People of North America: Math Content (uregina.ca)
MathSphere Downloadable Math Puzzles
Math Worksheet Generator by Math Goodies - printable worksheets
Toy Theatre Online Math Games
Math Manipulatives Online with Toy Theatre
Box Cars and One Eyed Jacks - Downloadable Math ActivitiesPhysical Literacy (Physical Education)
Daily activity is incredibly important for growing bodies. It helps to develop strong bones, muscles, and flexibility.
YOU CAN: Go for walks, explore trails, ride bikes, visit the skate park, build forts, swim, skate, run, play disk golf, paddle, and play sports. Here are some more games to try!
Avoid the Shadows
Catch the Stick
Foot Tag
Jump Your Height
Make the Sticks Jump
For more fun activities, visit PHE CanadaFrench Immersion Language
It is important for French Language learners to remain immersed in language.
YOU CAN: Listen to French podcasts, videos, songs, books, and apps that can help your child maintain and improve their second language. This is a great opportunity to learn together!
French Digital Resource Links (videos... songs... )
French Immersion Reflection Sheet #1 (for use with digital resources)
French Immersion Reflection Sheet #2 (for use with digital resources)
French Immersion Sound Bingo
French Immersion Oral Language Game: Let's Get Talking
Snakes and Ladders 1: Reading French Sight Words
Snakes and Ladders 2: Reading French Syllables
Reading Comprehension: Tournez un Indice
Reading Reflection 3-2-1: Au Coeur Des Arbres
Reading Reflection Fictional TextMental Health and Well-Being
In grades 3-5 students learn about healthy eating, rest, feelings, solving problems, bullying, online safety, puberty, self-identity, and positive caring behaviors.
YOU CAN: Have your child help to prepare healthy meals, talk about feelings and body changes. Limit screen time and ensure your child has a healthy bedtime routine
Trudy's Rock Story - An Indigenous Connection
Be an Upstander Against Cyberbullying | Parent Outline
Private vs Personal Information | Parent Outline
Mindful Messaging | Parent OutlineCareer Education
Coming Soon !