Professional Development

Professional development is a process of on going growth, through involvement in programs, services, and activities designed to enable teachers,
both individually and collectively, to enhance professional practice.
BCTF Definition: (00 AGM, p. 15) (June 06 RA, p. 8)
SD72 Professional Development is committed to the development and strengthening of professional knowledge and skills and encouraging educators to work together to improve their practice.
The Core Pro-D committee is composed of both teachers and administrators, it is an advisory committee to the Superintendent and provides direction for teacher Pro-D within the district. Professional development must have a positive, accountable impact on student learning and is an expected responsibility guided by current school student success plans and personal professional goals.
Principles of Professional Development in School District 72
Professional Development:
- Must have a positive impact on student learning;
- Is a professional responsibility guided by current personal, school and district growth plans;
- Promotes a commitment to the development and enhancement of professional knowledge and skills;
- Encourages and supports educators working together to reflect on their practice.
Registration for most Pro-D events is now available in Employee Connect under the Workshop Tab found on the top ribbon.
Click on the drop-down arrow to access "Workshop List". If registration varies from this, the details will be provided.
Contact Information
Cathy Fowler
District Teacher Coordinator of Professional Development
Darlana De Vito
Administrative Assistant, Office of the Associate Superintendent & Professional Development
Learning Opportunities Listing - updated regularly
Teacher Reimbursement Form for Pro-D activities
Steps for completing and submitting Pro-D reimbursement
Teachers teaching Teachers Workshop Reimbursement Form
Click here to learn about and join a PSA. Costs can be covered by your Individual Pro-D funds.
Pro D reimbursment Infographic.pdf
Teachers teaching teachers 2020.pdf
TTOC Professional Development Day Grant Application.pdf
Current Self Directed ProD planning form.pdf
Pro-D Feedback Form.pdf
Professional Development Special Request Form.pdf
Teacher Professional Development Request for Reimbursement.pdf
2023 24 ProD handbook.pdf
Collaborative Learning Team Grant.pdf