My Education BC
Welcome to the SD72 My Education BC resource site.
Scroll down to view some helpful documents for everyday use of MyEd.
Login information:
Click on the "My Education BC" link located in the Quick Links section of the District portal OR type in:
Enter your Login ID: firstnamelastname72 (NOTE: no dot)
Default Password: Welcomeyear! (example: Welcome2024! )
THEN your own thereafter making sure to follow the MyEd password protocol:
For in-depth training resources, click HERE to visit the Teacher Resource page of the My Education BC site.
To quickly access Reporting Instructions for MyEd click your grade range: Grades K-8, Grade 9, and Grades 10-12.
To learn about the Essentials of MyEdBC in one easy document, click Essentials of MyEdBC.pdf.
Click on the drop-down arrows to open each section for downloaded instructional sheets.