Online Applications
Approved App List
The below list of ONLINE Digital Resources has been vetted and approved for use in SD72. If you don't see a specific app, click on the "Approved App List" (above) to view ALL of the approved SD72 apps.
If you don't see a resource on the list and you'd like to request it, please visit the SD72 App Procedure page for the procedure.
PLEASE click on each link to read the description and the information of BEST PRACTICE USE. ALL students under 13 WILL need parental consent for ALL platforms. See specific applications for what is required for those students 13+.
Attached is the "Informed Consent" presentation that students must be shown BEFORE they can provide consent for the use of their information in applications where the data is stored outside of Canada.
Click HERE to access the Online Platform consent form that will need to be signed either by the PARENT or by the STUDENT.