Mind Meister
MindMeister is a collaborative online mind mapping software that’s both versatile and easy to use. Students of all ages can utilize MindMeister to study more efficiently, unleash their creative potential, and get ahead in their educational career.
- Students can create their own mind maps including keywords, links, branches, and hierarchical levels to help them brainstorm ideas for essay writing.
- Maps can be shared with others for easy collaboration.
- Templates are provided to easily start a new mind map.
- Can be accessed easily in Teams and use SD72 Microsoft login to create accounts.
Students Over 13: CAN create an account using the SD72 Microsoft Account FROM THE TAB IN TEAMS with informed consent.
Informed Consent PPT.pptx
Students Under 13: No class code option available so students will need Parent Consent to create an account.
For Teachers:
Creating a MindMeister Web:
Check out the Mind Mapping for Teachers: Tips and Tools.
- Create an account using your SD72 Microsoft email address.
- Add the MindMeister app as a tab top in Teams.
- Have students access the MindMeister application from this location.
For Students:
Accessing Mindmeister
- Go to your class Teams. You will see the MindMeister tab across the top of the General Tab.
- Click on the tab.
- Login using your SD72 Microsoft email account.
- Start creating your own mind maps.
- Share with others.
Users, please note this resource:
- stores data in a server outside of Canada.
- collects personal information (SD72 Microsoft email address, name).
- collects computer information (IP address and location).
- free version allows unlimited mind map creation BUT is fairly limited in terms of exporting out completed mind maps and inserting attachments.