Instructional Resources

Teacher Guides
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Access for Success
Is the first educational text of its kind to integrate principles and theories about Universal Design for Learning and language learning with practical strategies to address the diverse needs of today’s language learners in Canada.
Soutenir les lecteurs en langue seconde
A reference guide for second language teachers looking for ways to support second language students with reading.
70 activités motivantes de communication orale
A practical guide that emphasizes the importance of French oral language by providing engaging activities for K-12 classrooms.
Languages for All
Informed by current research and theory, the range of practical strategies in this book will help you support your students’ diverse learning needs. You will also find simulations that will help you experience the challenges faced by some students, as well as dozens of language-based activities that have been differentiated for immediate classroom use.
Vers une approche intégrée en immersion
Provides effective tools and strategies to help students achieve higher levels of language proficiency.
Le coffre à outils : instruments d’évaluation formative en français langue seconde
These student assessment materials help teachers assess and enhance students’ French language learning at the beginner level (grades 4–6).
Le grand livre des stratégies de lecture
Simple and practical, offers teachers hundreds of effective reading strategies. By making the link between theory and practice, this directory equips teachers to support their students in achieving specific objectives, such as word identification, spelling lexicon, fluency, vocabulary, the importance of commitment, etc.
Le grand livre des stratégies
This simple and practical book offers hundreds of effective writing strategies for teachers. Support students in achieving specific objectives, such as generating and collecting writing ideas, organizing and structuring texts, fleshing them out, choosing words or understanding writing conventions.
Le récit en 3D
A resource focusing on storytelling and writing
A Reflective guide for French Immersion Leaders
Do you want to push your immersion program to the next level? Engage discussion with school staff? Create a rich educational experience for all students? Reflect on issues pertinent to French immersion? A Facilitator’s Guide is included to assist with your reflections and action plans.
L'immersion en français au Canada
The essential foundations and winning pedagogical approaches in immersion, a must-read for immersion communities.
Digital Resources
Here are lists of free digital resources in French. These websites, songs, audiobooks, and podcasts are sure to inspire your students. Could be used in the classroom and at home.
French K-2 Digital Resources.pdf
French 3-5 Digital Resources.pdf
French 6-8 Digital Resources. pdf
Purchased Digital Resources
This is a list of French Language resources that are available for purchase. Most of these purchases are done school-based. To find out more on how to gain access please contact your school administrator or French Language District Coordinator.
French Instructional Resources for potential purchase.pdf
SD72 Oral Competencies for French Language Learners
A team of SD72 French Immersion teachers from all grade levels collaborated to create a convenient tool for assessment and goal setting for French Oral language. Here is a copy of the rationale and French language continuum.
SD72 Oral Competencies for French Language Learners.pdf