Thinking Tasks
These tasks will help develop mathematical thinking skills, problem-solving and communication using mathematical language. They pair well with vertical surfaces or collaborative groups.
Click HERE to access the French version of these resources.
Probing Questions
- What do you notice? (Patterns/ Processes) What do you notice about someone else's work?
- What questions do you have? / What are you wondering?
- How might you solve this a different way? Is there another solution you can find?
- Tell me about some things that didn't work and what you learned from them?
- How might your thinking be similar or different than someone else's?
- What might you agree or disagree with in your work or someone else's?
- What evidence can you show to support your thinking?
- What generalization can you make?
Click HERE to download the Numeracy Thinking Problems as a PDF.
Click HERE to download the QR codes for each Thinking Problem.
Click HERE to download the Task Cards.