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Teacher Digital Toolkit

Digital toolkit

District-issued teacher digital toolkits are provided to employees for use both on and off school grounds in order to enhance, enrich, and facilitate teaching and learning, administrative duties, as well as school communications. Digital toolkits are to be used for school-related business, curriculum enhancement, research, communications and other instructional purposes. Internet activities must be consistent with this purpose.

At the end of a contract, a change in assignment or upon retirement, these devices (including all peripherals) must be returned to the IT department.  This includes any leaves over a three-month time period.

Teachers must sign the Digital Toolkit Agreement to ensure the points outlined in this agreement are adhered to.

The teacher digital toolkit includes:

  1. laptop or tablet
  2. charger
  3. carrying case
  4. stylus

Click on the link below to view helpful videos on how to configure/customize the device, ways to utilize it the classroom for instructional purposes and some troubleshooting tips.

ITC YouTube Channel - Digital Toolkit Playlist

Bright%20Badge%20Logo%20Etsy%20Shop%20Icon.pngElementary Teacher Device FAQs

Click on the arrow beside each question for answers to frequently asked questions regarding the new elementary teacher devices.

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