Teacher Digital Toolkit

District-issued teacher digital toolkits are provided to employees for use both on and off school grounds in order to enhance, enrich, and facilitate teaching and learning, administrative duties, as well as school communications. Digital toolkits are to be used for school-related business, curriculum enhancement, research, communications and other instructional purposes. Internet activities must be consistent with this purpose.
At the end of a contract, a change in assignment or upon retirement, these devices (including all peripherals) must be returned to the IT department. This includes any leaves over a three-month time period.
Teachers must sign the Digital Toolkit Agreement to ensure the points outlined in this agreement are adhered to.
The teacher digital toolkit includes:
- laptop or tablet
- charger
- carrying case
- stylus
Click on the link below to view helpful videos on how to configure/customize the device, ways to utilize it the classroom for instructional purposes and some troubleshooting tips.
ITC YouTube Channel - Digital Toolkit Playlist
Elementary Teacher Device FAQs
Click on the arrow beside each question for answers to frequently asked questions regarding the new elementary teacher devices.
Where are my Photos that I took on my Surface Tablet?
Your photos are in the "Pictures" folder located inside your OneDrive.
I can't find my projector or document camera apps on my computer. Are they not installed?
NO. You must do this yourself. These applications are located in the Company Portal. Tap the Windows key on your keyboard -> type in Company Portal -> click on this. Locate: Easy MP for your projector IPEVO for your document camera Install. Set up the wireless connection to your projector using THIS video.
If I used Chrome on the Surface and stored all my passwords there, can I transfer them to Edge (along with my bookmarks/favourites)?
Yes. Click on THIS link for a set of instructions on how to do this. THEN you will have to enable EDGE to save passwords. This is done by following the directions above BUT instead of clicking on "Import Data Browser", click on "Passwords". Toggle the "Offer to save passwords" to on.
Where are the Downloads I had on my Surface Tablet?
The downloads DID NOT transfer to your new device.
I had groups in my Outlook BUT I can't seem to find them on my new device. Are they still there?
YES. However, your "autocomplete" in Outlook will not complete this action until you've typed in the full address once. You can find your groups by clicking on the "Contacts Icon" (the people) and scrolling through your "Contacts" or your "Contacts List".
I've tried loading the printers onto my machine but when I click on the Printer logic icon (the printer icon in my systems tray) I don't get the list of printers as it is shown on the set of instructions. What do I do?
In the printer logic screen (install printer screen) click on your Account Icon (top right) and click "Sign Out". A new window will appear asking you to log in using your "Azure AD" account. Click yes. You will then see your list of printers.
I forgot to set my default printer when installing my printers. Can I still do this?
Yes. RIGHT-click on the printer logic icon (printer icon in the systems tray) and select "Set Default Printer".
I would like some web pages as a shortcut on my desktop (MyEd, CIMS, etc). How do I do that?
Open the webpage. Click, hold and drag the lock icon located to the far left of the URL (website address) to the desktop. This will now become an active link.
Why does a box in the bottom right corner keep coming up when I log in?
It could be that you haven't logged into GLOBAL PROTECT yet. Use your employee number and network password to log in. It will not appear again once you do.
It is requiring that I restart my computer a number of times to install updates. Is this normal?
YES. The computer will require a few restarts to update it at the initial setup. THEN it should only require this about once a week.
I don't see a Shared Drive on my computer. Can I still connect to it?
Yes. Click HERE to access the video showing you how.